On the New Year, Muni Shri Sudhakarji narrated the great Auspicious, the great Mangalik

Audience was Resolved with Spiritual Resolutions

Madhavaram, Chennai 26.10.2022 ; Under the aegis of Shri Jain Shwetambar Terapanth Madhavaram Trust, the new year started with auspicious chanting by Muni Shri Sudhakarji.

  In the opening program of Namaskar Mahamantra, Darshana, Anukreethy Challani presented the invocation. Managing Trustee Shri Ghisulal Bohra presented the welcome Speech.

Muni Shri Sudhakarji started various spiritual rituals with the praise of twenty four Tirthankaras. Maha Manglik was recited with various auspicious chants like Namuthunam, Logass, Uphakahar Stotra, Bhaktamar, Vignah Haran's Song etc.

audience resolved himself by taking spiritual resolve from Munishree. Muni Nareshkumarji sang the Paisathiya verses.

Praveen Surana conducted the program efficiently. On  this occasion, the huge courtyard of  jai Samavasaran situated in Jain Terapanth Nagar from the huge audience  ,also fell short. Even by sitting outside, the seeker became a participant in the Mahamanglik with discipline .

News Communication : Swaroop Chand Dantee

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